Love is only complete,
when I can bring more people
onto the road of success...
Love is only complete,
when I can ignite in more people
the importance of success...
Life is good,
only when all feels great...
Smile and be acquainted with success!
We are meant to be happy...
We are meant to be healthy...
We are meant to be wealthy...
Don't ask why?
Don't ask when?
Don't ask where?
Ask yourself, do you want it?
Ask yourself, do you need it?
Ask yourself, are you keen to succeed?
Come along, it is never too late...
Come along, now is the time...
Come along, join the crowd!
We have ways and plans to do things right...
We have evidences to prove it works right...
We have all if your attitude is right...
Come and join us...
Come and experience us...
Come and share with us!
To educate and care for mankind.. If there is anything more important than to be educated as a whole of us in us and that of the sum of all in all, it is to be educated as who we really are... The awakening as one, the awakening of the whole in all.. The existence of true love which is manifested in all living things, seen or unseen.. Our one definite mission - put things right, be it health, wealth, beauty or planet earth and its populace.. Together we will and can do it!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
There is duality in nature...
If you write on a white board with white chalk,
nothing will be visible. You need to write with
a black chalk or writing material on a white board.
It is contrast that make the writings visible.
Hence there is duality in nature.
If everything is Joy, you may not enjoy the joy really.
Only when you are confronted with sorrow,
you will come to experience the joy.
Like summer and winter, pleasure and pain,
sweet and bitter, day and night,
life becomes tolerable for us.
If you feed a man all through
the week with only idly and chutney,
he would not turn back again.
We need variety in this world to sustain us.
There is duality in nature...
nothing will be visible. You need to write with
a black chalk or writing material on a white board.
It is contrast that make the writings visible.
Hence there is duality in nature.
If everything is Joy, you may not enjoy the joy really.
Only when you are confronted with sorrow,
you will come to experience the joy.
Like summer and winter, pleasure and pain,
sweet and bitter, day and night,
life becomes tolerable for us.
If you feed a man all through
the week with only idly and chutney,
he would not turn back again.
We need variety in this world to sustain us.
There is duality in nature...
2 'negatives' one shouldn't emphasize... 好事讲少少,坏事讲多多。。。
Good things, talk less less, bad things talk more more!
好事讲少少[exaggerate less than less]
Funny that some people emphasizes on so much negatives...
Fancy that some people emphasizes on love so little...
Funny that some people emphasizes on money so little...
Fancy that some people emphasizes on time so little...
In actual fact, it was never that serious...
They have many positives, yet they couldn't find any...
They have many loved ones, yet they didn't see any...
They have so much money, yet they said not enough...
They have time to watch television, yet is not enough...
So, they complain and grumble all their lifetime...
怀事讲多多[exaggerate more and more]
Funny that some people emphasizes on so much depreciations...
Fancy that some people emphasizes on loneliness so much...
Funny that some people emphasizes on sufferings so much...
Fancy that some people emphasizes on poverty so much...
In actual fact, they are so much better off...
It was just a scratch, but they said it was bent...
It was just a redness swollen, but they said it was serious...
It was just a day of hard work, but to them it was ages...
It was just a minor incident, but to them great misfortunes...
What can we do or react with these people?
Be aware that there are these people so false...
Seemingly to me they are born with a discount...
These people needs help, though they look so false...
They aren't collecting any points that they can count...
Poor fellows, why choose a road of no return?
What can one do to undo these faults-gathering folks?
What can one do to rid their negative thoughts and ways?
They feast on negatives, they delight in savouring rumours...
They collect bad news, they discuss on lovelessness...
They feed on bad luck, they empasizes on loneliness...
Dare you to live with these people so ignorant!
Dare you to challenge them and make them straight!
Forbearance, patience, love, be kind, be forgiving...
Caring, sharing, guiding, feeding and be understanding...
Give them time, grow with them, love them unconditionally...
That is the only thing we can do, to pass the test...
Only then you will understand humanity and God's test!
Don't fear them, don't condemn them, they know not of their faults...
Don't isolate them, don't scold them, shower them with more love...
Indeed, we all come from our Creator and back we will be, together...
好事讲少少[exaggerate less than less]
Funny that some people emphasizes on so much negatives...
Fancy that some people emphasizes on love so little...
Funny that some people emphasizes on money so little...
Fancy that some people emphasizes on time so little...
In actual fact, it was never that serious...
They have many positives, yet they couldn't find any...
They have many loved ones, yet they didn't see any...
They have so much money, yet they said not enough...
They have time to watch television, yet is not enough...
So, they complain and grumble all their lifetime...
怀事讲多多[exaggerate more and more]
Funny that some people emphasizes on so much depreciations...
Fancy that some people emphasizes on loneliness so much...
Funny that some people emphasizes on sufferings so much...
Fancy that some people emphasizes on poverty so much...
In actual fact, they are so much better off...
It was just a scratch, but they said it was bent...
It was just a redness swollen, but they said it was serious...
It was just a day of hard work, but to them it was ages...
It was just a minor incident, but to them great misfortunes...
What can we do or react with these people?
Be aware that there are these people so false...
Seemingly to me they are born with a discount...
These people needs help, though they look so false...
They aren't collecting any points that they can count...
Poor fellows, why choose a road of no return?
What can one do to undo these faults-gathering folks?
What can one do to rid their negative thoughts and ways?
They feast on negatives, they delight in savouring rumours...
They collect bad news, they discuss on lovelessness...
They feed on bad luck, they empasizes on loneliness...
Dare you to live with these people so ignorant!
Dare you to challenge them and make them straight!
Forbearance, patience, love, be kind, be forgiving...
Caring, sharing, guiding, feeding and be understanding...
Give them time, grow with them, love them unconditionally...
That is the only thing we can do, to pass the test...
Only then you will understand humanity and God's test!
Don't fear them, don't condemn them, they know not of their faults...
Don't isolate them, don't scold them, shower them with more love...
Indeed, we all come from our Creator and back we will be, together...
Monday, December 8, 2008
5 reasons why our Creator gives us problems...
5 reasons why our Creator gives us problems~~~
The problems you face will either defeat you or develop
you - depending on how you respond to them.
Unfortunately, most people fail to see how God wants to
use problems for good in their lives. They react foolishly and resent their
problems rather than pausing to consider what benefit they might bring.
Here are five ways God wants to use the problems in your life:
1.Our Creator Uses Problems To DIRECT U~~~
Sometimes God must light a fire under you to get you moving.
Problems often point us in a new direction and motivate us to change.
Is God trying to get your attention? "Sometimes it takes
a painful situation to make us change our ways."
2.Our Creator Uses Problems To INSPECT U~~~
People are like tea bags...if you want to know what's inside them,
just drop them into hot ever water! Has God tested
your faith with a problem What do problems reveal about you?
"When you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full
of joy, because you know that these troubles test your faith,
and this will give you patience."
3.Our Creator Uses Problems To CORRECT U~~~
Some lessons we learn only through pain and failure.
It's likely that as a child your parents told you not to touch a hot stove.
But you probably learned by being burned. Sometimes we only learn
the value of something... health, money, a relationship. ..
by losing it. "It was the best thing that could have happened to me,
for it taught me to pay attention to your laws."
4.Our Creator Uses Problems To PROTECT U~~~
A problem can be a blessing in disguise if it prevents you from
being harmed by something more serious. Last year a friend
was fired for refusing to do something unethical that his boss
had asked him to do. His unemployment was a problem - but
it saved him from being convicted and sent to prison a year
later when management's actions were eventually discovered.
"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good...
5.Our Creator Uses Problems To PERFECT U~~~
Problems, when responded to correctly, are character builders.
God is far more interested in your character than your comfort.
Your relationship to God and your character are the only two
things you're going to take with you into eternity.
"We can rejoice when we run into problems...
they help us learn to be patient. And patience develops strength of
character in us and helps us trust God more each time
we use it until finally our hope and faith are strong and steady."
Here's the point Ad:
God is at work in your life - even when you do not recognize it or understand it.
But it's much easier and profitable when you cooperate with Him.
The problems you face will either defeat you or develop
you - depending on how you respond to them.
Unfortunately, most people fail to see how God wants to
use problems for good in their lives. They react foolishly and resent their
problems rather than pausing to consider what benefit they might bring.
Here are five ways God wants to use the problems in your life:
1.Our Creator Uses Problems To DIRECT U~~~
Sometimes God must light a fire under you to get you moving.
Problems often point us in a new direction and motivate us to change.
Is God trying to get your attention? "Sometimes it takes
a painful situation to make us change our ways."
2.Our Creator Uses Problems To INSPECT U~~~
People are like tea bags...if you want to know what's inside them,
just drop them into hot ever water! Has God tested
your faith with a problem What do problems reveal about you?
"When you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full
of joy, because you know that these troubles test your faith,
and this will give you patience."
3.Our Creator Uses Problems To CORRECT U~~~
Some lessons we learn only through pain and failure.
It's likely that as a child your parents told you not to touch a hot stove.
But you probably learned by being burned. Sometimes we only learn
the value of something... health, money, a relationship. ..
by losing it. "It was the best thing that could have happened to me,
for it taught me to pay attention to your laws."
4.Our Creator Uses Problems To PROTECT U~~~
A problem can be a blessing in disguise if it prevents you from
being harmed by something more serious. Last year a friend
was fired for refusing to do something unethical that his boss
had asked him to do. His unemployment was a problem - but
it saved him from being convicted and sent to prison a year
later when management's actions were eventually discovered.
"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good...
5.Our Creator Uses Problems To PERFECT U~~~
Problems, when responded to correctly, are character builders.
God is far more interested in your character than your comfort.
Your relationship to God and your character are the only two
things you're going to take with you into eternity.
"We can rejoice when we run into problems...
they help us learn to be patient. And patience develops strength of
character in us and helps us trust God more each time
we use it until finally our hope and faith are strong and steady."
Here's the point Ad:
God is at work in your life - even when you do not recognize it or understand it.
But it's much easier and profitable when you cooperate with Him.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Total health is best captured in 4 dimensions...
Total health is best captured in 4 dimensions...
Who suffers a bad headache and doesn't feel stressed?
Who suffers a bad headache and still can think straight?
Who suffers a bad headache and is still in peaceful spirit?
Think twice, add twice, measure twice, the carpenter's rule...
Be thankful and grateful, Mother Nature's rule...
Eat right, rest right, exercise right, act right, the health rules...
Live right, sleep right, find right, spread right, the health rules
Love right, feel right, smile right, talk right, the emotion rules...
Think right, learn right, invest right, install right, the mental rules...
Visualize right, meditate right, pray right, the spiritual rules...
Forgive right, forget right, be selfless, true love's rules...
Remember, total health is best captured in all 4 dimensions...
Remember, total health is best nurtured in persistent actions...
Remember, total health is best spread to all corners of the world...
Remember, total health is best when in the embrace of Mother Nature!
This is also a health article posted in my health forum from
Who suffers a bad headache and doesn't feel stressed?
Who suffers a bad headache and still can think straight?
Who suffers a bad headache and is still in peaceful spirit?
Think twice, add twice, measure twice, the carpenter's rule...
Be thankful and grateful, Mother Nature's rule...
Eat right, rest right, exercise right, act right, the health rules...
Live right, sleep right, find right, spread right, the health rules
Love right, feel right, smile right, talk right, the emotion rules...
Think right, learn right, invest right, install right, the mental rules...
Visualize right, meditate right, pray right, the spiritual rules...
Forgive right, forget right, be selfless, true love's rules...
Remember, total health is best captured in all 4 dimensions...
Remember, total health is best nurtured in persistent actions...
Remember, total health is best spread to all corners of the world...
Remember, total health is best when in the embrace of Mother Nature!
This is also a health article posted in my health forum from
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Let food be our medicine and medicine be our food...

Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food...
Many varieties of food from plants or animals provide different nutritional values and phytofactors that not only survive us but also cures us of many illnesses. People have long ago discovered the use of herbs of plant origins. There are food herbs whereby we can take them everyday, like garlic, gingko or ginseng just to mention a few.
There are of course certain herbs that we cannot take everyday since they are specifically only for some illnesses. All these can be obtained from natural foods or herbs that one can easily acquire from one's own natural habitats. Believe me. Many same properties might come from different plants.
Our Creator loves us so much that all of us are given equal chances to obtain them from Mother Nature. In colder climates, they have natural wheat. In warmer climates, we can have natural rice/coarse rice. We are not equiped with wings to fly to just any place but with improved modernization, now we can sample almost just any foods from all over the world. The same applies to the vegetables or the fruits that should make up most of our daily diets.
The moon looks alike in just any angle of this world. It won't shine a little brighter or a little dimmer.
With such abundance of natural foods, we just need to eat and be replenished with all these nutritional goodness. We should and can eat enough of these natural foods. Scientists discovered that our body needs at least 40 different types of nutrients, thus it is variety of foods recommended and a balanced one too.
If one can really eat enough of these 40 types of nutrients and not missing out any, then we have done a great job in not just maintaining our health but also prevent us from illness. Thus let food be our medicine, so why the need of medicine? Prevention is so much better than cure!
This will be the best start towards a healthy living before food supplements and other natural medications can interupt. That will be another discussion.
This is one of my health article I submitted for my health forum.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Cheers! Health is always sharing and implementing and improving!
Good news!
I have just joined a health forum where one can also join and be in the forum to discuss about the threads/topics. It is a real wonderful health forum whereby one just need to register to be a member and be free to discuss on health issues...
The best will be if one is inquisitive enough to learn more, ask more, enquire more, write more and discuss more in this great health forums. And be please that you will find the answers to all answers that you wish for.
Good Luck and here is the health forum I am talking about. Copy this and paste.
I have just joined a health forum where one can also join and be in the forum to discuss about the threads/topics. It is a real wonderful health forum whereby one just need to register to be a member and be free to discuss on health issues...
The best will be if one is inquisitive enough to learn more, ask more, enquire more, write more and discuss more in this great health forums. And be please that you will find the answers to all answers that you wish for.
Good Luck and here is the health forum I am talking about. Copy this and paste.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sun is the all-given source, ever shinning to all of us...

One should be grateful that the sun is forever shinning...
One should be thankful that the sun is giving us enough energy...
for all of us to survive and thrive in their own habitats....
for all of us to survive and thrive today and tomorrow...
Can you imagine one day without the sun?
Or a few days, a few weeks, a few months without sunlight?
Or a few years, a few more decades without sunlight?
One cannot imagine how one can live without sunlight???
Natural treatments for the whole body, 整体自然疗法
We are conducting a '5 nights course', every Tuesday on the above topic that will cover all the basic, proper concepts of keeping our body fit and maintaining it at our best situation. More is on the proper nutrients that a person needs. It also covers the different types of food pyramid.
Preventive measures plays a more important role in the health maintainance. It pays to acquire the proper knowledge to look after our health before taking care of our family. Only then one can take care of friends and others.
We are conducting a '5 nights course', every Tuesday on the above topic that will cover all the basic, proper concepts of keeping our body fit and maintaining it at our best situation. More is on the proper nutrients that a person needs. It also covers the different types of food pyramid.
Preventive measures plays a more important role in the health maintainance. It pays to acquire the proper knowledge to look after our health before taking care of our family. Only then one can take care of friends and others.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Husband and wife is one life... live it!
As fated, one becomes her husband, the other his wife...
One should learn to live to what is expected of...
As fated, one cannot live without another...
Through errors, tribulations, trials and tears...
To what all that I believe...
To understand the truth brings the relief...
Her impatience is your patience, dear husband...
His impatience is your patience, dear wife...
So nag no more, complain no more...
Judge no more, cry no more...
Hate no more, hurt no more...
Argue no more, fight no more...
Smile and be refreshed...
Breathe and be relaxed...
Forget and be forgiven...
Love and be forgiven...
It is just 2 beings coming together...
Living and sharing a better tomorrow...
Afterall, no one is perfect...
Afterall, all families grow in adversities...
Be patient...
One should learn to live to what is expected of...
As fated, one cannot live without another...
Through errors, tribulations, trials and tears...
To what all that I believe...
To understand the truth brings the relief...
Her impatience is your patience, dear husband...
His impatience is your patience, dear wife...
So nag no more, complain no more...
Judge no more, cry no more...
Hate no more, hurt no more...
Argue no more, fight no more...
Smile and be refreshed...
Breathe and be relaxed...
Forget and be forgiven...
Love and be forgiven...
It is just 2 beings coming together...
Living and sharing a better tomorrow...
Afterall, no one is perfect...
Afterall, all families grow in adversities...
Be patient...
A water droplet will gain its significance when it flows down a river to be welcomed by the ocean to where it originally belongs....
Many a times, we learn... through 'Your impatience is my patience!'
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
This is me... maximize your 5 senses... only then your 6th sense will come alive...
What is really inside you will not change even under pressure...
If you are an apple,
when squeezed will produce apple juice...
If you are a pineapple,
when squeezed will produce pineapple juice...
If you have genuine love,
when pressured will still radiate love..
If you have unstable love,
when pressured will produce unstable emotions...
So why fear critics, resentments or pointing fingers?
So why take into heart what they condemn or accuse?
You know deep inside you that you are not...
You understand what is inside you that you are not...
Remember, what is inside will reveal...
Remember, what is inside will prevail...
Unstable emotions like hatred, anger, ill-feelings I don't heed...
Anxieties, bitterness, sadness, revenge these I don't need...
Your 'love' juices will be humbleness, peace, joy and happiness...
Your 'love' juices will be understanding, patience,love and calmness...
Your 'love' juices will pacify, negotiate, soothe its edges...
Your 'love' juices will overflows and multiplies till ages...
No matter how hard you are being squeezed...
No matter how cruel you are being cornered...
No matter how harsh you are being treated...
No matter how unjust you are being threatened...
It won't change the 'love' juices that are squeezed...
It won't affect the 'love' juices that are produced...
It won't influence the 'love' juices that are collected...
Because you are a spark of Divinity, the products of LOVE!
Thus be loving and forgiving...
We all belongs to the same big family...
when squeezed will produce apple juice...
If you are a pineapple,
when squeezed will produce pineapple juice...
If you have genuine love,
when pressured will still radiate love..
If you have unstable love,
when pressured will produce unstable emotions...
So why fear critics, resentments or pointing fingers?
So why take into heart what they condemn or accuse?
You know deep inside you that you are not...
You understand what is inside you that you are not...
Remember, what is inside will reveal...
Remember, what is inside will prevail...
Unstable emotions like hatred, anger, ill-feelings I don't heed...
Anxieties, bitterness, sadness, revenge these I don't need...
Your 'love' juices will be humbleness, peace, joy and happiness...
Your 'love' juices will be understanding, patience,love and calmness...
Your 'love' juices will pacify, negotiate, soothe its edges...
Your 'love' juices will overflows and multiplies till ages...
No matter how hard you are being squeezed...
No matter how cruel you are being cornered...
No matter how harsh you are being treated...
No matter how unjust you are being threatened...
It won't change the 'love' juices that are squeezed...
It won't affect the 'love' juices that are produced...
It won't influence the 'love' juices that are collected...
Because you are a spark of Divinity, the products of LOVE!
Thus be loving and forgiving...
We all belongs to the same big family...
Sunday, September 7, 2008
"Your wishes is my command!" Think it possible, it is possible!

No one missed out this story of Aladdin's lamp...
The genie who carried out all his wishes...
Everyone wished to obtain this Aladdin's lamp...
The genie who made all wishes come true...
But can you believe that you have Aladdin's lamp?
Can you feel and find them inside you?
We are sparks of the divine, with divinity in us...
That's why we need to seek in us, Aladdin's lamp!
Think possible, it is possible...
The law of love connects everything...
The law of love creates and makes all things possible...
The law of attraction attracts everything...
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
For any solvable problems or mishaps or disputes, solve them within 36 hours, or the shorter the better...
Problems, challenges, disputes, misunderstandings, misfortunes... do happen round the clock, round the world, round your neighborhood or round your family or round yourself....
It is best that one solve them within 36 hours or less. When our body or our mind or emotion is hurt or disturbed, we tend to dwell on the problems too long. Negatives left too long unattended will lead to health disasters...
A fire when small can be well in control, but once the fire gets wild and unattended, it will lead to even more serious disasters. At the same time, when a slight misfortune happen to a person, he or she should immediately find a way to solve it and put it aside.
Too many people made this mistake, to dwell on the problems too long, self-affirming oneself that he or she was terribly unlucky or emphasizing on the pain. Our brain or our mind listens to what we tell them. Though sometimes, complaining itself is just only a means to attract people's attention, some overdo it, thus exaggerating the problems and letting it purposely get out of control.
Thus, remembering this, when a mishap did happen, just analysis it, solve it, do away with it, even better to forget about the pain. It is never too wise to lament and spread gossips unnecessarily. Put things right and take it as an lesson to improve one's experience on that specific field.
Always remember, the sooner the problem is solved, the better one will be in full control of our life. The best medicine for hurt and pain is time.
It is best that one solve them within 36 hours or less. When our body or our mind or emotion is hurt or disturbed, we tend to dwell on the problems too long. Negatives left too long unattended will lead to health disasters...
A fire when small can be well in control, but once the fire gets wild and unattended, it will lead to even more serious disasters. At the same time, when a slight misfortune happen to a person, he or she should immediately find a way to solve it and put it aside.
Too many people made this mistake, to dwell on the problems too long, self-affirming oneself that he or she was terribly unlucky or emphasizing on the pain. Our brain or our mind listens to what we tell them. Though sometimes, complaining itself is just only a means to attract people's attention, some overdo it, thus exaggerating the problems and letting it purposely get out of control.
Thus, remembering this, when a mishap did happen, just analysis it, solve it, do away with it, even better to forget about the pain. It is never too wise to lament and spread gossips unnecessarily. Put things right and take it as an lesson to improve one's experience on that specific field.
Always remember, the sooner the problem is solved, the better one will be in full control of our life. The best medicine for hurt and pain is time.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Anger is not a human quality... Anger is the quality of a dog...

Anger is not a human quality...
Humanity can rise to Divinity through sense control.
When you get angry, remind yourself
that anger is not a human quality;
it is an animal quality.
Anger is the quality of a dog.
When you are angry, tell yourself,
"I am not a dog, I am a man."
Similarly when your mind wavers, tell yourself repeatedly,
"I am not a monkey, I am a man."
Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non-violence
are the true human values. Losing any one of these
values amounts to losing one's life principle itself.
Learn to develop love, when there is love, there is no scope for evil qualities...
Once you develop love,
there will be no scope for
evil qualities like anger, jealousy, etc.
If your thoughts and actions are good,
your future is bound to be good.
Then the whole country, nay,
the whole world will prosper.
Pray for the peace and prosperity
of the entire world. Peace can be
attained only through practice of human values.
divinely sent
there will be no scope for
evil qualities like anger, jealousy, etc.
If your thoughts and actions are good,
your future is bound to be good.
Then the whole country, nay,
the whole world will prosper.
Pray for the peace and prosperity
of the entire world. Peace can be
attained only through practice of human values.
divinely sent
Friday, July 25, 2008
To err is human....
To err is human...
to forgive divine...
No one is perfect,
No one is without flaw,
No one is without weaknesses,
No one is without mistakes...
At some other weaker time,
These weaknesses provoke,
At some other negative time,
These weaknesses take control...
Just that guilt...
Just that minor mistake...
will eat us up...
will devour us real bad...
Sufferings untold...
Repenting unfold...
We learnt, yes, we learned...
To divert our bodily bad mistakes...
Looking at our perishable body...
Feeling our flesh in our mortal body...
One must look forward to our immortality...
And be real repented and away from immorality...
Only then we feel adjusted...
Only then we feel released from guilt...
Only then we feel detached from body guilt...
Only then we feel at peace and at ease...
to forgive divine...
No one is perfect,
No one is without flaw,
No one is without weaknesses,
No one is without mistakes...
At some other weaker time,
These weaknesses provoke,
At some other negative time,
These weaknesses take control...
Just that guilt...
Just that minor mistake...
will eat us up...
will devour us real bad...
Sufferings untold...
Repenting unfold...
We learnt, yes, we learned...
To divert our bodily bad mistakes...
Looking at our perishable body...
Feeling our flesh in our mortal body...
One must look forward to our immortality...
And be real repented and away from immorality...
Only then we feel adjusted...
Only then we feel released from guilt...
Only then we feel detached from body guilt...
Only then we feel at peace and at ease...
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Be grateful and thankful! You have no 'right' to complain!
We never are thankful,
with what we have...
We never are grateful,
with what we have...
Our desires, our longings,
our wishes we wish...
Our attachments, our belongings,
our future we wish...
Thus forgotten that we can hear...
Thus forgotten that we can feel...
Thus forgotten that we can eat...
Thus forgotten that we can see...
All forgotten, and we start to complain...
If you haven't met a blind man,
If you haven't met a deaf man,
If you haven't met a dead man,
If you haven't met a dying man,
Where is your 'right' to complain???
A review of 12 whole months... advices to heed...
Take twelve whole months.
Clean them thoroughly of all
bitterness, hate, and jealousy.
Make them as clean as possible.
Now cut each month into twenty-eight,
thirty or thirty-one different parts,
but do not make the whole batch at once.
Prepare it one day at a time.
Into each day, mix well
1 part of faith,
1 part of patience,
1 part of courage,
and 1 part of work.
Add to each day
1 part each of hope, faith,
compassion, contemplation,
and at least 1 good deed.
Season the whole mixture with
a dash of good spirits,
a sprinkle of fun, a pinch of play,
and a cupful of good humour.
Pour all of this into a vessel of love.
Cook thoroughly over radiant joy,
garnish with a big smile,
and serve with humility, gratitude
and a cheerful.......HELLO!
Remain Blessed!
Duty is God, Work is Worship...
The teacher might looks hideous, ugly, old, bent or crude, but what matters most is what is in his mind and his heart. We are attracted by his teachings, not his appearance. It is his personalities and characters as a teacher which will earn our respect and trust. Don't be deceived by its looks, it is the inner beauty that counts....
Clean them thoroughly of all
bitterness, hate, and jealousy.
Make them as clean as possible.
Now cut each month into twenty-eight,
thirty or thirty-one different parts,
but do not make the whole batch at once.
Prepare it one day at a time.
Into each day, mix well
1 part of faith,
1 part of patience,
1 part of courage,
and 1 part of work.
Add to each day
1 part each of hope, faith,
compassion, contemplation,
and at least 1 good deed.
Season the whole mixture with
a dash of good spirits,
a sprinkle of fun, a pinch of play,
and a cupful of good humour.
Pour all of this into a vessel of love.
Cook thoroughly over radiant joy,
garnish with a big smile,
and serve with humility, gratitude
and a cheerful.......HELLO!
Remain Blessed!
Duty is God, Work is Worship...
The teacher might looks hideous, ugly, old, bent or crude, but what matters most is what is in his mind and his heart. We are attracted by his teachings, not his appearance. It is his personalities and characters as a teacher which will earn our respect and trust. Don't be deceived by its looks, it is the inner beauty that counts....
Reasons to be happy...
Reasons to be happy..
When I had many deficits,
In fact, I wasn't too happy....
But thought twice, I should be happy...
If not, I won't have any time left to be happy....
So, I decided to keep calm and remain happy...
Happiness is so scarce, cherish it, be happy...
That was one good reason for me to be happy.....
When I had nothing,
In fact, I wasn't happy too...
But thought twice, Nothing cannot make me unhappy...
Since I have Nothing to be unhappy...
So, I decided to remain not unhappy....
because he who had everything was still unhappy...
Why should I who had nothing be unhappy?
One day....
When I have something...
In fact, I can be happy...
But think twice, why shouldn't I be happy?
Happiness doubles, so there is no reason to be not happy...
Something is better than nothing, so rejoice and be happy...
But some don't even have anything, yet they are happy...
And they are so much at peace of mind and heart and happy...
One day...
When I have everything...
I suppose I can be very happy...
But think twice, to have everything is nothing to be proud and happy...
When I had nothing, I wasn't unhappy...
When I have something, I wasn't unhappy...
Only when everybody has something, we be happy...
When only everybody has everything, we will be so happy...
Happiness is self-made..
Happiness is self-acquired...
Happiness is love in the making...
Happiness doubles through sharing...
So, it depends on how one looks at happiness...
So, it depends on how one attains happiness...
Only then one will experience true happiness...
Compiled by Lucy
When I had many deficits,
In fact, I wasn't too happy....
But thought twice, I should be happy...
If not, I won't have any time left to be happy....
So, I decided to keep calm and remain happy...
Happiness is so scarce, cherish it, be happy...
That was one good reason for me to be happy.....
When I had nothing,
In fact, I wasn't happy too...
But thought twice, Nothing cannot make me unhappy...
Since I have Nothing to be unhappy...
So, I decided to remain not unhappy....
because he who had everything was still unhappy...
Why should I who had nothing be unhappy?
One day....
When I have something...
In fact, I can be happy...
But think twice, why shouldn't I be happy?
Happiness doubles, so there is no reason to be not happy...
Something is better than nothing, so rejoice and be happy...
But some don't even have anything, yet they are happy...
And they are so much at peace of mind and heart and happy...
One day...
When I have everything...
I suppose I can be very happy...
But think twice, to have everything is nothing to be proud and happy...
When I had nothing, I wasn't unhappy...
When I have something, I wasn't unhappy...
Only when everybody has something, we be happy...
When only everybody has everything, we will be so happy...
Happiness is self-made..
Happiness is self-acquired...
Happiness is love in the making...
Happiness doubles through sharing...
So, it depends on how one looks at happiness...
So, it depends on how one attains happiness...
Only then one will experience true happiness...
Compiled by Lucy
A thorn in your flesh? It pains but...
A thorn in your flesh?
It pains but you will gain...
Why? No kidding or shouting...
It pains, mind you, no pretending...
No matter how careful you are...
No matter how powerful you are...
No matter how hateful you are...
No matter how fearful you are...
You will meet this someone...
You will be so much irritated...
You will be so much agitated...
You will be so much worried...
Scold him? Beat him?
Kick him? Send him away?
But he is flesh and blood...
But he is under your roof...
Yes, he is the thorn in your flesh...
But be thankful that you are given this thorn...
You have done a good job in accepting this thorn...
You have been given a task to live with this thorn...
Why be thankful or grateful?
Well, well, well... Your patience is being tested...
Your loving and forgiving heart being tested...
Your character, your personality being tried...
So, are you going to pass the test?
Or, be an ostrich and complain some more?
It pains but you will gain...
Why? No kidding or shouting...
It pains, mind you, no pretending...
No matter how careful you are...
No matter how powerful you are...
No matter how hateful you are...
No matter how fearful you are...
You will meet this someone...
You will be so much irritated...
You will be so much agitated...
You will be so much worried...
Scold him? Beat him?
Kick him? Send him away?
But he is flesh and blood...
But he is under your roof...
Yes, he is the thorn in your flesh...
But be thankful that you are given this thorn...
You have done a good job in accepting this thorn...
You have been given a task to live with this thorn...
Why be thankful or grateful?
Well, well, well... Your patience is being tested...
Your loving and forgiving heart being tested...
Your character, your personality being tried...
So, are you going to pass the test?
Or, be an ostrich and complain some more?
What should we compete?

Look around and see things...
Look around and feel those things...
Look around and get some things...
Best of all, share some things...
What should we share and compete?
Who should we share and compete?
How should we share and compete?
Let's see what we can share and compete...
Compete how grateful you are...
Compete how loving you are...
Compete how much you have contributed...
Compete how much you are committed...
Compete how filial you are...
Compete how loyal you are...
Compete how forgiving you are...
Compete how sincere you are...
And how diligent you are in acquiring knowledge?
Saturday, July 5, 2008
You cannot have the obverse without the reverse...
Grief is the feet and joy the head; both are part of the same entity. You cannot welcome joy and reject grief at the same time. You cannot have the obverse without the reverse. The diamond is at first just a dull piece of stone, a hard pebble. Only when it is cut by a skilled artisan does it shine brilliantly like a flame. Allow yourselves to be treated by the Master so that all your dullness will disappear and you will emerge effulgent as a resplendent diamond.
God has created you not to lead a selfish life...
God has created you not
to lead a selfish life.
Uphold Truth for the
welfare of humanity, even
at the cost of your life.
After all death occurs only once in a life time.
Everything happens according to God's will.
Man who has been created by the Divine
will should sanctify his life by following the Divine command.
to lead a selfish life.
Uphold Truth for the
welfare of humanity, even
at the cost of your life.
After all death occurs only once in a life time.
Everything happens according to God's will.
Man who has been created by the Divine
will should sanctify his life by following the Divine command.
There is nothing bad in this world, even that which appears to be bad is also good...
There is nothing bad in this world.
Even that which appears to be bad is also good.
So, never consider anything bad.
How can evil enter God's creation?
Every thing happens according to God's will.
There is no scope for bad events
when the Divine WILL is always good and pure.
How can you point out something as bad
when Divinity pervades everything?
Good and bad lies in your vision, not in creation.
Even that which appears to be bad is also good.
So, never consider anything bad.
How can evil enter God's creation?
Every thing happens according to God's will.
There is no scope for bad events
when the Divine WILL is always good and pure.
How can you point out something as bad
when Divinity pervades everything?
Good and bad lies in your vision, not in creation.
Happiness and sorrow are like passing clouds...
Happiness and sorrow are like passing clouds.
One should not be elated in times of pleasure
or depressed in times of pain.
One should remain equal-minded,
unaffected by happiness or sorrow.
This is the sign of true devotion.
One should not be elated in times of pleasure
or depressed in times of pain.
One should remain equal-minded,
unaffected by happiness or sorrow.
This is the sign of true devotion.
Pleasure n pain come together just as the bitter rind n sweet juice coexist in an orange...
Before attaining success in
any endeavor one has to face hardships.
Pleasure and pain come together
just as the bitter rind and sweet
juice coexist in an orange.
You cannot enjoy the sweet
juice of surgarcane unless it is crushed.
Likewise, gold has to be put in fire,
hammered and cut before it is made into be beautiful jewel.
Similarly, humanness will shine only
when one undergoes trials and tribulations.
any endeavor one has to face hardships.
Pleasure and pain come together
just as the bitter rind and sweet
juice coexist in an orange.
You cannot enjoy the sweet
juice of surgarcane unless it is crushed.
Likewise, gold has to be put in fire,
hammered and cut before it is made into be beautiful jewel.
Similarly, humanness will shine only
when one undergoes trials and tribulations.
Cleanse your heart of all evil qualities...
When your heart is filled
with negative thoughts, how
can you expect God to fill it
with his love and grace?
First of all, cleanse your
heart of all evil qualities.
Only then can God fill your heart
with his love and grace.
with negative thoughts, how
can you expect God to fill it
with his love and grace?
First of all, cleanse your
heart of all evil qualities.
Only then can God fill your heart
with his love and grace.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Do you wish to link with God?
1. A heartwarming smile
2. A heartfelt prayer
3. A heart filled thought
4. A heart working task
5. A hearty laugh
6. Heart touching faith
7. Heart reaching ways
8. A heart pleasing promise
9. A heart spoken thanks…
Do you wish to link with God?
If the answer to that is a “Yes” then it is easy…all you need to do is find your heart…and in whatever you think…whatever you say…and in whatever you do…just use the strength of your heart alone…and soon you shall see that the heart you use for all that you do is the breath of God that is filled in you and in me.
And there is one more secret that I shall say. To find your heart is no trouble from today. Just take all that you desire and put it away. Pick up the thoughts that make you stray. And below it all you shall see a treasure…full of love. That is your heart…keep it first. And then the rest is Grace that will shower on you once you have placed your faith in love. God is love…and He is at this moment with you as love that shines within your heart.
2. A heartfelt prayer
3. A heart filled thought
4. A heart working task
5. A hearty laugh
6. Heart touching faith
7. Heart reaching ways
8. A heart pleasing promise
9. A heart spoken thanks…
Do you wish to link with God?
If the answer to that is a “Yes” then it is easy…all you need to do is find your heart…and in whatever you think…whatever you say…and in whatever you do…just use the strength of your heart alone…and soon you shall see that the heart you use for all that you do is the breath of God that is filled in you and in me.
And there is one more secret that I shall say. To find your heart is no trouble from today. Just take all that you desire and put it away. Pick up the thoughts that make you stray. And below it all you shall see a treasure…full of love. That is your heart…keep it first. And then the rest is Grace that will shower on you once you have placed your faith in love. God is love…and He is at this moment with you as love that shines within your heart.
The tongue
The tongue, which is meant to utter sacred words,
is being used to criticise others. One cannot describe
in words the fate of such a person.
is being used to criticise others. One cannot describe
in words the fate of such a person.
People pray to God to relieve them from pain, grief and loss...
People pray to God to relieve them
from pain, grief and loss, to confer
on them wealth, health and strength; but,
if you develop an intimate attachment
to Him and make Him yours, He will manage
to give you all that you need.
Do not demean the relationship
into bargaining; give me this,
then I shall give you this in exchange;
if you insist on wages, you become a servant.
Become His own. He is providing for the idler,
the insane, the shirker; can He not provide for you?
from pain, grief and loss, to confer
on them wealth, health and strength; but,
if you develop an intimate attachment
to Him and make Him yours, He will manage
to give you all that you need.
Do not demean the relationship
into bargaining; give me this,
then I shall give you this in exchange;
if you insist on wages, you become a servant.
Become His own. He is providing for the idler,
the insane, the shirker; can He not provide for you?
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Daisies...Look at its flower petals that are created in balance perfection, & best of all the duplica of the same species...

Nature's balance teaches us a lot...
Look at its petals, so evenly structured...
And being duplicated a lot...
Just look for that specie and they resembled...
We humans learn a lot...
Yet missed out too many...
We are created limbs alike...
Yet inside our heart, we fight too many...
When can one be realized?
When can one understand?
That you and me are the same...
That you and me are sparks of the Divine...
Because we resemble and look like our Creator!
Isn't that perfect and a happy fact?
The real art of nature is how we look at it, with an eye? with closed eye?

Behold the beauty of the flower...
Behold the fragrance of the flower...
Behold the uniqueness of the flower...
Behold the color of the flower...
But do we ever give a thought to whom who planted it?
Do we ever give a thought to whom who watered this plant?
Do we ever give a thought to whom who cared for it?
Do we ever give a thought to whom who created this plant?
Give a moment to thank the creator!
Spare a moment to thank the gardener!
Give a moment to thank the photograher!
Spare a moment to thank yourself that we can see...
Be grateful!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Let genuine love radiate with bright colors and lights...
True love will not be stained by pride, ego, selfishness, hatred or injustice...

True love will not be stained...
True love makes way to forgiveness...
True love will not be stained...
True love makes way to refine weaknesses...
True love will not be stained...
by pride, ego, selfishness, hatred nor injustice...
Yes, true love will not be stained...
by envy, greed, deceit, mistrust nor discrimination...
Mother Nature in its perfection... color, fragrance, shape and dignity and beauty so much to be proud of...
Manage our emotions... by understanding equanimity towards joy and grief...

Equanimity is not meant to
build a spiritual ivory tower,
insulated from all the cares and woes of living.
Equanimity does not mean indifference.
With equanimity, we actually increases
our compassion and enables our care to
penetrate below the surface of life.
We work hard to achieve our goals,
fulfilling our responsibilities for service,
thus equanimity provides a safe harbor,
the security of inner peace,
the calm in the center of the storm.
Facing or avoiding difficult situations,
equanimity enables us to meet life steady.
This inner peace and evenness of spirit
lets us bring our best to life without
retreating or succumbing to inner turmoil
as a reflection of the outer chaos.
To work toward equanimity,
we let go of attachments. We distinguish
the normalcy of caring and loving from
the slavery of being bound and chained
by identification and clinging.
We prefer not to be dragged
into the world of reactions.
Unwelcome events do send ripples
across the calm ocean of equanimity,
ripples informing us of the need to respond.
But it is precisely the quality of
equanimity that helps us respond
effectively instead of reactively.
Equanimity opens us to the timeless, the deathless.
Indeed, equanimity develops through our contact with
that part of our soul that resides in the timeless.
This peace from the worlds beyond time, embraces the world in time.
But it is so much easier said than done...
Monday, May 19, 2008
Steadfast faith, pure unselfish Love is far more valuable than tons and tons of erudition ...

PLANT steadfast faith and pure unselfish.
Try to understand the magnificence of Love,
its precious possibilities. It is far more
valuable than tons and tons of erudition
and miles-long titles before one's name.
Place these on one pan of the balance called 'Life',
and place one single drop of Love Divine in the other.
The drop will outweigh the others.
Without discipline, there can be no welfare!
Speak to the extent needed.
Don't waste your word. If you talk loudly,
it amounts to wasting your word.
Only those for whom they are meant
should hear your words. There are some
who talk very loudly even while walking on the road.
Nobody will respect such people.
You have to uphold your self-respect
and manifest it by your speech and conduct.
Without discipline, there can be no welfare!
Don't waste your word. If you talk loudly,
it amounts to wasting your word.
Only those for whom they are meant
should hear your words. There are some
who talk very loudly even while walking on the road.
Nobody will respect such people.
You have to uphold your self-respect
and manifest it by your speech and conduct.
Without discipline, there can be no welfare!
Be at peace, chase peace...
Follow the compass, not the clock...if you want to do your job BEST!

We use to set timetables for our jobs, our loved ones, our family, our recreation, our pleasure, our entertainments and our church activities... but most of the time, we are not happy as to strictly follow the clock.
Our motive in following the compass is more important than following the clock. Our goals to have things done within a certain period is sometimes deadly... with deadlines!
Just take the extra mile to do things, take the extra mile to make things happen smooth and easy... follow the compass, instead of the clock...
Nothing is ever lost.. it is just the state of matter...disintegrated into smaller atomic matters, too tiny or cannot be seen with our naked eyes...
Do differences attract or repel? Do differences fight or love?
Pointing fingers?
We are endowed with the power of CHOICE! We can CHOOSE to remain unpolluted or polluted!

The beauty of flowering lilies proves a success, be they thriving in dirtied waters. Remember we can choose not to be polluted or be polluted by useless negatives. Remember all of us are given the CHOICE! We have the power to CHOOSE! Noone is to be blamed. We are directly or indirectly allowing things to happen. We are directly or indirectly responsible for all things that happened or will happen.
Truth will win its way to triumph....

Truth is choosing the correct path...
Truth is following the correct path...
Truth is walking the correct path...
Truth is continuing the correct path...
Truth will win its way to triumph...
Or our limbs and body limped...
Truth will win its way to righteousness...
Or our mind and emotion fallen in weaknesses...
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