Friday, May 23, 2008

Do you wish to link with God?

1. A heartwarming smile

2. A heartfelt prayer

3. A heart filled thought

4. A heart working task

5. A hearty laugh

6. Heart touching faith

7. Heart reaching ways

8. A heart pleasing promise

9. A heart spoken thanks…

Do you wish to link with God?

If the answer to that is a “Yes” then it is easy…all you need to do is find your heart…and in whatever you think…whatever you say…and in whatever you do…just use the strength of your heart alone…and soon you shall see that the heart you use for all that you do is the breath of God that is filled in you and in me.

And there is one more secret that I shall say. To find your heart is no trouble from today. Just take all that you desire and put it away. Pick up the thoughts that make you stray. And below it all you shall see a treasure…full of love. That is your heart…keep it first. And then the rest is Grace that will shower on you once you have placed your faith in love. God is love…and He is at this moment with you as love that shines within your heart.

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