Monday, December 29, 2014

Time flies... Welcoming 2015... soon to be here..... It is just the unwinding of time... unfolding all ..... Time for reflecting... what has been done and to be done...

Try me....

Identify the positive seeds and water them...


Love your inner child of which all of us have but neglected....

Fly and soar high...

The greatest gift ever....

Chives are powerful antioxidants... eat them occasionally...

Happiness is always a choice.....

Miracles still happen everyday...


Wonderful day to begin....

Your response matters....

True.. so do not laugh...

Again a reminder....

Patience is a virtue.... patience is the answer to many answers...

There is no death at all.....

Money is an illusion, Nature is real...

Learn new things and grow.....

Humanity......still rules....

so be simply your true self....

That is where your heart is...

this is just simple task to be happy...

Yes, it is so true....

Monday, December 22, 2014

Look out for this great weed...

The useful weed... plantain...

NaturalNews) It's known to pop up as a persistent weed in gardens, on lawns and even in driveway cracks. But plantain is one of the most medicinally powerful "nuisance" plants that you probably aren't taking advantage of for your health, perhaps to your own detriment.

Those bushy green leaves and small, stalk-like buds bear unique nutritive potential that could help you overcome difficult menstrual cycles, clear up skin acne and even treat painful arthritis. For hundreds of years, plantain has been used as one of nature's most powerful medicines, and for very good reason.

Plantain works topically as a wound-healer

One of its uses is as an astringent for wounds and bug bites. Simply chewing plantain leaf or crushing and grinding it makes an effective poultice to draw out poisons from the skin and prevent infections and scarring.

"Because it draws toxins from the body with its astringent nature, plantain may be crushed (or chewed) and placed as a poultice directly over the site of bee stings, bug bites, acne, slivers, glass splinters, or rashes," explains Life Advancer.

Plantain aids in healthy digestion

If you suffer from constant digestive problems due to antibiotics, food allergies or genetically modified organisms (GMOs), plantain might be a simple cure. Many have reported that the leaves and seeds of the plant aid in reducing inflammation and help repair damage to the gut lining.

The seeds of plantain are also useful in maintaining a clean digestive tract, acting similarly to psyllium husk in absorbing toxins and creating firmer stools. When steeped, plantain leaves can be turned into an extract for use as a gut healer.

Plantain helps treat congestion, respiratory problems

Since it is rich in the mineral silica, plantain also makes an excellent expectorant. This means that it helps clear up congestion and mucus, effectively treating coughs, colds and various other respiratory ailments.

"Plantain acts as a gentle expectorant while soothing inflamed and sore membranes, making it ideal for coughs and mild bronchitis," wrote David Hoffmann, FNIMH, AHG, in his book Medical Herbalism: The Science and Practice of Herbal Medicine.

Plantain helps treat hemorrhoids

The same astringent properties that make plantain an effective wound-healer also make it an effective remedy for hemorrhoids. When processed and turned into a lotion or ointment, plantain can be applied to hemorrhoids to stop the flow of blood, which is also useful in the treatment of cystitis accompanied by bleeding.

"Plantain is one of Western herbalism's primary topical healing agents, used as a lotion, ointment, compress, or poultice for cuts and bruises," adds Hoffmann in his book. "It may be applied topically for hemorrhoids and skin ulcerations."

Plantain treats all blood diseases, and nearly all other diseases

Truth be told, there seems to be very few health conditions that plantain can't treat. According to The American Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacognosy, written by Dr. Finley Ellingwood, MD, in 1919, plantain is effective against virtually all blood diseases, many glandular diseases, mercury poisoning, diarrheal conditions, female disorders, and injuries, bites and rashes on the skin.

"Plantain is almost a panacea for the human body, treating everything from all menstrual difficulties, all digestive issues, to nearly all skin complaints, and even arthritis," adds Life Advancer about the amazing healing potential of plantain.

"Add to salads, chew to ease thirst, or enjoy in stir fries. This versatile wild vegetable will keep you in good health for years to come!"

To learn more, be sure to read Dr. Ellingworth's plantain entry as it was published in his 1919 book:

Learn more:


Nature is my only medicine....

If for long that one has gone far away from Mother Nature itself..... he or she might be in some sort of dis-ease.....


Not to be depressed nor anxious... my dear....

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Benefits of drinking ginger tea


• It strengthens the body and the immune system;
• It quickens the recovery of your health when you’re ill;
• It calms stomach aches;
• It has a therapeutic effect on the nervous system;
• It prompts the work of the digestive system and calms bloating;
• It prompts blood circulation;

Eat your fiber...

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Where is there no copy and paste? REad and share? Say and repeat... Teach and duplicate? Write and keep? IT IS ALL PART OF NOW AND TOMORROW!

Where is there no copy and paste?  Read and share?  Say and repeat... Teach and duplicate?  In this futuristic internet world, nothing can be kept unknown or hidden for long from the determined ones.. There are people who can pick up ideas from thin air... without seeing or touching it...

IP or whatever P...  Before one be a professional, how much have one copied or learnt from other sources and fields?  Paid for or unpaid?  Good things are meant for sharing... Good thoughts are meant to be practiced...

The money world said.. IP is mine, I need that to protect and earn from those who have not.. Well, yes, to an extent..yes... but for how long can it be?  

The reality world said... IP is yours, but I can do much better than that!  Nothing ever stays the same.. Change is the only constant....  What is constant is just normal..  In a click of time, all be turned to dust and just history...

What is ours is ours.. it can't be others...  It is still there.. But no one can guarantee that it be there forever, untouched and unchanged... Everything evolves.. things modify.. things intensify..  To keep guarding is a skill and strict laws enforcing...  But then, there are higher mountains achievable and to be achieved.. for all... from all... 

Leave a legacy... Be that legacy.. It can't stop happening... We can't stop a 'full stop'... Nothing remains permanent...

The original will remain original... The unique remains unique at that particular time but soon be re-written and replaced... That is why we have iphone 2 to be 3, 3 to be 4 and now to be 6!  Steve Job was still him and himself.... He was a challenge to this mobile world..

We deeply respect IP... All in all, these are part of NOW AND TOMORROW!  Accept it.. we cannot survive alone and at the same time be protected...  We live together and we live to appreciate and protect each other, right?  It shouldn't be attacking and fighting one another...  

Accept it and go along.... be free of how and why....

We are worthy of ourselves... we truly are...

We are each gifted in a unique and important way... It is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own special light....true..

Love.... is still the magic.... hold on steady on love... yes, just this L O V E....

Yeah, there is only ONE YOU... UNIQUE YOU...

Very true...

Lighten up...

This is deep meaning..... if not for suffering..a better word put is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE....

Just be kind... do kind...