Monday, July 7, 2008

A thorn in your flesh? It pains but...

A thorn in your flesh?
It pains but you will gain...
Why? No kidding or shouting...
It pains, mind you, no pretending...

No matter how careful you are...
No matter how powerful you are...
No matter how hateful you are...
No matter how fearful you are...

You will meet this someone...
You will be so much irritated...
You will be so much agitated...
You will be so much worried...

Scold him? Beat him?
Kick him? Send him away?
But he is flesh and blood...
But he is under your roof...

Yes, he is the thorn in your flesh...
But be thankful that you are given this thorn...
You have done a good job in accepting this thorn...
You have been given a task to live with this thorn...

Why be thankful or grateful?
Well, well, well... Your patience is being tested...
Your loving and forgiving heart being tested...
Your character, your personality being tried...

So, are you going to pass the test?
Or, be an ostrich and complain some more?

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