Friday, January 10, 2014

What are the reasons behind difficulties and pain?

Difficulties and pain help one to nurse 
and build the capacity for patience and forbearance. 
However, due to mental weakness and ignorance, 
people invariably shun painful experiences and distress. 

Do not be weak; be brave and welcome troubles. 
Let them come; more the merrier. Only with such 
a courageous attitude can you bring out 
the forbearance hidden within you. 

Can you get promoted to a higher class 
without passing an examination? 
It is only when you secure the 
prescribed marks and pass the examination, 
you are declared eligible to advance to the higher class. 

While preparing for the examination 
you have to face stress and many difficulties 
but how sweet the promotion is! 
So welcome troubles as tests that 
prepare you for higher things and be happy 
when troubles descend on you, 
because that is when forbearance truly blossoms.

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