Monday, September 24, 2012

What is 101 educare all about? TO EDUCATE AND CARE.. be it health care, mental care, emotional care or spiritual care... It can also provide trainings on business making which yields transferable, unlimited, passive income..

Lucy offers:
- lessons on 4 levels of health, body, mind, emotion & spirit
- lessons on multiple Qs, IQ, EQ, MQ, CQ, DQ. TQ, AQ, HQ, S1Q, S2Q = SUCCESS
- lessons on healthy, nutritious & delicious cooking
- lessons on business making, global networking
- lessons on skin care, make-up, personal grooming
- provide workshops on how to 'think & be rich'
- provide workshops on how to 'think & be healthy'
- provide workshops on how to 'think & be successful'
- provide workshops on how to attract abundance
- preventive measures, doctors of the future
- attending health video shows and presentations
- attending health workshops
- motivational and self-improvement
- reading lessons[positive & motivational books]
- lessons on love, harmony and balance
- consulting on 4 dimensions of health
- pulse reading, blood test on microscope
- can draft out a personal health line, food pyramid
- can draft out a personal emotional health care
- conducted by Lucy's 101 Team Network, Sibu
- conducted at Lucy's 101 Team Network, Sibu
- organized by Lucy Wong

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