Sunday, June 19, 2016

Things are omplex but not complicated....One step forward, two steps backwards... Two steps forward, one step backwards..... three steps forward, one step backwards..only then one can start moving....just keep going....

Our kids are complex not complicated...Ours kids are lovingly ignorant yet sometimes innocent...  let's not complicate matters and demand from our views or intentions.  Respect and honour them just like any other human beings ..
IQ applied..

Understand that there are many types of kids around us..
- ordinary
- da vincci kids
- star seeds
- super kids
- the mutants
- the extraordinary ones

3 points we need to evaluate:
-  Bear in mind that we are their biological parents yet could be like wise.  At their tender age, we need to act, react and resound in depths of unconditional LOVE as expected of us.  Responsibilities and expectations of our duties as parents 24/7 days a week.

- Bear in mind too that our 19th or 20th century skills and knowledge might not be applicable for our 21st century kids.  They can't be easily fooled and they can easily pick up traits and ideas as forwarded or intended from near and far.

- Bear in mind that they inherited our ancestors, us [mother and father] of anything like skills, habits, knowledge and all.  Thus bravely to admit that these kids are much more intelligent than any one of us.

How can we expect them to listen or follow exactly as what we expected? 

There's no accidents that these kids become our kids... they come with visions and missions intended for that specific family...  Thus we learn to accept, adapt and change for the better and greater... and wiser in the process....

It;s not any expectations from  these kids, not any direct gains from them but in unison in a completion of something as anointed or appointed or as destined...

Just be in a state of gratitude and appreciation, only then silence can be broken and insights discovered as in the relationship between family members in the same house.

Momentary irritations is due to unclear picture of destiny and lack of communication.  Where is this spiritual realization and why putting ourselves in containers?  There are coming tools to reveal and make clear.and the wiser ones be seen more and a new paradigm aligning to living well than just surviving...

The intiution is now a flash of the past and our kids and their kids and kids will be the coming multidimensional futuristic new populace  ...

The many attributes will manifest quantum energies... inflationary energies and never linear... but exponential and in sync with every other living thin gs on planet earth....thus it's just the alignment of something meaningful and that's the real science of life.......

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