Saturday, March 29, 2014

Imagine all the black....

Central to the unified field theory of Nassim Haramein is the idea that all objects on all scales are centered by stillness: a singularity at the center of what he terms a "Black Whole". That is, a black hole redefined because the way it appears depends where you are in relation to the event horizon of the black whole. If you are on the inside of the horizon, it may appear black, like the sky at night (we live inside a black whole right now as the universe itself obeys the condition of a black hole). However, if you are on the outside of the event horizon, you can measure and perceive the energy coming off of the black hole.

The super-massive black holes in the center of galaxies have smaller black holes spinning off of them called stars which are creating smaller black wholes inside them called atoms.

Steven Hawking recently wrote a paper where he declared that black holes may need to be redefined and the press picked it up with the headline "There are no black holes", but this statement is incorrect. What he was describing is something he called "grey holes" where he is basically coming closer and closer to be in alignment with the theories that Nassim Haramein has been putting forth for well over 20 years now.

Nassim has written an official response to Hawking's new paper and it will be posted on The Resonance Projectwebsite soon. Stay tuned to our news feeds for updates...

Meanwhile, check out Nassim's paper called "The Schwarzschild Proton" that mathematically describes the how proton is a mini black whole:

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