Sunday, January 26, 2014

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Practical indeed... space saver

Blood sugar? try this...

Beaut catches the attention.. character catches the heart....


The cells in your body react to everything your mind says.... Negativity brings your immune system down....

Right? lol,,

All of us like this picture... magic has always been within you.. but when 'magic' is drawn, many are withdrawn by magical drawings... isn't it funny?

When you speak to someone who has a limited world view.... you will notice that they do not hear you because they only hear what they know....

The more stressed, the more dancing one need... the more anxieties, the more one need to be on the move...

What one see and what see not... what one imagine and what one never imagine.... all makes up the sum of all in all... accept and adapt to that fact...

Photo: Rate this pic between 1 and 10 <3 ~ Nova

These possibilities are your choice.. fully utilize one's POWER OF CHOICE.... and be getting what your hearts desire...

Photo: Rate this pic between 1 and 10 <3 ~ Nova

Books will open you all doors of possibilities and impossibilities capable of imagining....

Photo: Rate this picture between 1 and 10 ~ The Knight

Learning to go magical.. tapping the magical.. being in the magical touch...

Photo: Rate this picture between 1 and 10 ~ The Knight

Photo: Rate this picture between 1 and 10 ~ The Knight

Photo: A precious friend <3 ~ Nova

Where are you heading to? Steps off this giant book.. into another realm.. into another newer perspective of life... bring your mind and heart with you...

Photo: Story book of dreams <3 ~ Nova

Beautiful are not all good, good are not always beautiful...

Photo: Rate this picture between 1 and 10 ~ The Knight