To educate and care for mankind.. If there is anything more important than to be educated as a whole of us in us and that of the sum of all in all, it is to be educated as who we really are... The awakening as one, the awakening of the whole in all.. The existence of true love which is manifested in all living things, seen or unseen.. Our one definite mission - put things right, be it health, wealth, beauty or planet earth and its populace.. Together we will and can do it!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Choose to feel good, choose to feel well, choose to feel happy, choose to feel at ease... You can do it...
All are well for those who choose to feel well...
Choose to feel fine, choose to feel happy..
Choose to feel at ease, choose to feel healthy...
Choose to feel at peace, choose to feel GOOD....
The power of choice... We can choose to think well...not think bad, we can choose to do kind deeds, not something unkind...
Life is all about having the power of choice... |
Friday, December 24, 2010
Unrest can also mean when angered, when provoked, when disturbed, when unstable, when bullied, when upset or emotionally unstable...
All of us have emotions, hidden or shown. We are born out of love and we need love to survive. Few can survive long alone in an island. Few can be normal when left alone for too long a time. Few can cope within the conscience within us, who speaks within and gives ideas and make decisions. The inner voice cannot be left too long to talk to the self when negative.
What we think and act is directly affected by our upbringings, our environment, our DNA, our background and our culture or belief. Thus we are what we sow, we are what we are exposed to. What our 5 senses received or receiving will be what our 5 senses will react and become.
Thus negatives give birth to more negatives, positives will create more positives... accept this fact, there is always a cause for just anything... But the proper thing is PUT THINGS RIGHT...
When we are 'rested' our eyesight, our hearing, our senses, our tastes, our actions, our decisions will only then be proper and right...
We must learn to be 'rested' before we can make any decision or any conclusion. When one is agitated, irritated, worried, stressed, sleepless, cornered or pressured, his or her mind is only evolving on his or her problems and lose his or her power of comprehension and ability to judge right.
Thus be 'rested' so as our mind is calm and cool to make the precise move or decision. The many properties of 'unrest' as described above will occupy too much of our mind, thus destroying and affecting our mind to be normal....
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
/We need to be 'rested' to be ourselves...
Too many a times that we cannot be rested...
Thus not able to be ourselves...
Unrest means when one is worried,
one is stressed, one is burdened...
Thus one is not oneslf if he or she is not 'rested'..
Change and adapt oneself as to be able to be at peace..
Only then one will be oneself.. just be yourself...
Nothing is more precious than to be having peace at heart and mind...
Thus not able to be ourselves...
Unrest means when one is worried,
one is stressed, one is burdened...
Thus one is not oneslf if he or she is not 'rested'..
Change and adapt oneself as to be able to be at peace..
Only then one will be oneself.. just be yourself...
Nothing is more precious than to be having peace at heart and mind...
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Don't purposely be 'blind' to our personal problems... We need to search ways out, and put things right...

Wear a pair of clear glass, suiting to your eyes...
Don't wear a pair of mirrors.. it will blind you and stop you from getting to your goals...
You feel stuck, you feel no way, you feel the end of the road, well... instead of using the glass to seethrough, u r using a mirror.. scrap the coating...
You feel stuck.....
You feel no way out....
You feel the end of things...
You feel no answers to problems...
Instead of using a glass..
You are facing a mirror...
Instead of using a clear glass...
You are wearing a mirror...
The glass you are wearing,
will show you the right path...
But instead you are wearing,
a MIRROR instead....
When you are short-sighted,
you use lens..
When you are long-sighted,
you use lens too....
The solution?
Scrape the coating...
Yes, by all means, scrape it away...
Remove the outer layer of coating...
The 'coatings' refers to limitations..
The 'coatings' refers to negatives...
The 'coatings' refers to stagnation...
The 'coatings' refers to terminological inexactitudes...
You might need a mentor to help...
You might need a teacher to explain..
You might need a friend close by...
You should never forget our CREATOR...
By all means, once the mirror is without a coating,
The mirror now becomes the glass, clear and clean...
And you see your problems clear and loud...
Weed those problems out of your life's garden...
Life becomes more meaningful...
Life now becomes more purposeful..
Life now is never just surviving..
Now, life is approaching the BEST to come...
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Our outlook of life can be compared to looking into a mirror or into glass...
When one looks into a mirror,
it is his reflection that he sees...
When one looks into a glass,
it is a see-through and he sees
where the glass is directed to...
One should not spend
too much time looking into mirrors..
why? Well, maybe just for a few minutes
in a day is more than enough...
A person who spend much time
'looking' into the mirror is self-centered...
Most attention are focused on his or her
own personal goals or visions or problems..
One should learn to look through glasses of life..
Maturing and fully aware of life and light...
Acquiring grapes of virtues and fruits of joy..
Be on the outlook of positive thoughts and deeds...
it is his reflection that he sees...
When one looks into a glass,
it is a see-through and he sees
where the glass is directed to...
One should not spend
too much time looking into mirrors..
why? Well, maybe just for a few minutes
in a day is more than enough...
A person who spend much time
'looking' into the mirror is self-centered...
Most attention are focused on his or her
own personal goals or visions or problems..
One should learn to look through glasses of life..
Maturing and fully aware of life and light...
Acquiring grapes of virtues and fruits of joy..
Be on the outlook of positive thoughts and deeds...
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
This crown of thorns, familiar with this?
This crown of thorns...
Who wore this crown that we know?
That bleeds and pains from its deep wounds?
And who did this to us? How and why?
Almost every family has a 'thorn'..
Why is there this 'thorn' be put into our family?
Think twice..
A thorn is put into a family or anywhere to test us...
It is to test our strength in faith and believe...
It tests our forbearance, our will, our patience..
It tests our love, our anger, our emotions.. our character...
It is purposely put there..
So as to train us to be a better person...
To test how loving, how forgiving, how trusting one can be...
To test how just, how civilized, how strong we can be...
Once we can pass this test..
the pain will not be there...
the hurt will not be there too...
Just an understanding, a deep realization about LOVE...
It is best to understand that there is always a 'thorn' in the family... seldom 'rioses'...
what do I mean the 'thorn' in the family?
It refers to that 'one' whom you love dearly yet...
hurts and pains you the most with his actions and thoughts...
Do you have one in the family? Oh, why not roses?
Yes, why not roses?
Most people are too unseeing, unfeeling, ungrateful...
The 'rose' is the outstanding, courageous, strong willed one...
The 'rose' is that one who leads and feeds the family...
Yes, why not roses?
Most people take things for granted...
Most people are more negative and unfeeling...
Thus even the roses are thorns in their eyes...
So, are there roses in the family?
Yes, there are... close your eyes and feel it...
You have... and most important of all, are you that rose?
The rose is always that one who offers unconditional love and sacrifices...
So, what can we do to this 'thorn'?
Why should we have thorns in our family?
Why should we lower our heads and feel the pain?
Why why why? these are those whys we always as
Monday, October 11, 2010
Discipline must be enforced by you upon your own self. When forced by others, you consider it as 'criticism' when your weakness is pointed by another one.
Discipline must be enforced by you
upon your own self, for when discipline
is forced by another, its results are only
suffocating and disastrous.
When your weakness is pointed by
another you consider it as "criticism" -
once you have recognized your own weakness,
only then will you truly seek the strength
that will pull you and allow you to rise
to the level of perfection.
Carry the inspiration with you, always -
motivate yourselves by visualizing your
true independence.
Remind your every thought that
arises that you are now in God's control -
let the fears, fear their own existence.
Let only the truth lead you -
simplify your task by implicitly obeying
the commands of the conscience -
stop looking to only hear it - it is time,
that you listened from now
Thursday, September 9, 2010
In arguments, the insane one will always throw personal attack and say bad critics just to revenge and make his opponent angry! So, heed not, just stay COOL or 你中他计!哈哈
Most of the time, it is the 'insane' one who
will be throwing critics and angering his opponent,
thus it is BEST to stay COOL...
Anger will eat up our age,
distort our smiling face...
Mentally he is mad,
so don't be mad oneself.
Medically his body metabolism is at risk,
surgically, his liver is affected...
Yes, mentally he is mad temporary...
So laugh back at his insanity that
only he himself have to be responsible of...
why live up to his expectations of what you actually is not?
Why live up to his critics of which you actually is not?
If you think you are not who he think you are,
why care and cry?
If you think you are not who he say you are,
who care and why care?
If you think you did not do what he condemned you did,
why care and take it into heart?
If you think you did not do what he exaggerated you did,
who care and why care?
If he is sick, you are not, right?
If he is wrong, you are not wrong, right?
If he is angry, you are not angry, right?
If he is mad, you are not mad, right?
So, why participate to be like him?
He is sick, he is wrong,
he is angered and 'mad'?
So, why join the debate?
If you join him, you are not
how right you think you are...
If you join him, you are not
how good you think you are...
So, just stay COOL and not ANGERED...
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
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