Many feel that it is human to err and that God should forgive their lapses whereas, in fact, if they are truly human, they should not commit mistakes at all. Even if sometimes a mistake is committed, wittingly or unwittingly, it should not be repeated.
It is a grievous error to think that it is natural for a human being to err. Such a feeling should not be entertained at all by anyone. Every man should realize, " I am not weak, I am not an animal. I am not a demon, I am a man ". When a man has this conviction he will not commit mistakes.
Man is the very embodiment of the spirit. It is the attachment to the body, which is the cause of bad thoughts, bad desires and bad actions. It is the one who is a slave to his senses that is a prey to such impulses. To follow the directive of the senses is a mark of the animal.
To be guided by the Spirit is the real sign of the human. No one should attempt to justify his weaknesses and lapses as being natural to a human being. They should be regarded as signs of mental debility.
You should continually strive to master your senses. When you have truly acquired sense-control, you will experience the power of the Divine within you. Right is right even if nobody does it, wrong is wrong even if everybody does it.
To educate and care for mankind.. If there is anything more important than to be educated as a whole of us in us and that of the sum of all in all, it is to be educated as who we really are... The awakening as one, the awakening of the whole in all.. The existence of true love which is manifested in all living things, seen or unseen.. Our one definite mission - put things right, be it health, wealth, beauty or planet earth and its populace.. Together we will and can do it!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Reading is just the first step...
Reading alone cannot be the completion of the journey. It is only the first step; read for the sake of practising, not for reading's sake. Too many books in a room indicates that a person is suffering from intellectual illnesses, just as too many tins, capsules and bottles of medicines in a cupboard indicate that the person is suffering from physical illness."
Teachers blame parents, parents blame the teachers and teachers blame their students... why?
Unfortunately, today, because the parents themselves have no purity of character, are lacking in spiritual qualities and do not lead regulated lives, evil practices and wickedness are springing up all over the world.
Due to some unexplainable reasons, parents tend to be quarrelsome and the children of today take after their parents. The tree is based on the seed and the seed determines the nature of the tree. For the evil ways and the bad behaviour of children today, the parents alone are to be blamed.
Few parents choose to tell their children how important it is to speak the truth, to act righteously and to earn a good name and, as a result, many children today are a disgrace to their parents and to their country.
For all the ills with which the nation is afflicted today, parents and teachers are responsible. Teachers do not punish the students for their lapses of behaviour, and because the students are not punished for their mistakes, they behave as they please.
Teachers are responsible for the sins of their students. They do not teach the students the right path. They transmit only book knowledge, and do not teach right knowledge, wise living and higher values. If there are no morals and no human values, then Man becomes a demon.
Parents are concerned solely about the material welfare of their children and have no concern for their spiritual well-being. It is not wealth that is important.
Character is primary. Parents do not teach their children the importance of cultivating good qualities. They do not try to control their children when they go astray; rather, they condone the lapses of their children and often encourage them in their bad ways.
It is because of such parents that many children today take to wrong courses of action. Parents today are afraid of correcting the mistakes of the children or of chastising them, but they have the right to warn and to correct their children.
To put right everything, all of us should instill moral values in us before one can teach or guide. There is no need to blame on whosoever, all of us have our own spiritual path to take, a journey no one else can replace or walk for us.
Remain good to plant good seeds. Goodness is to remain good even when someone else is not good to you. Convey patience, continue to be patient, be consistent to be patient and only then you can turn the tables...
Due to some unexplainable reasons, parents tend to be quarrelsome and the children of today take after their parents. The tree is based on the seed and the seed determines the nature of the tree. For the evil ways and the bad behaviour of children today, the parents alone are to be blamed.
Few parents choose to tell their children how important it is to speak the truth, to act righteously and to earn a good name and, as a result, many children today are a disgrace to their parents and to their country.
For all the ills with which the nation is afflicted today, parents and teachers are responsible. Teachers do not punish the students for their lapses of behaviour, and because the students are not punished for their mistakes, they behave as they please.
Teachers are responsible for the sins of their students. They do not teach the students the right path. They transmit only book knowledge, and do not teach right knowledge, wise living and higher values. If there are no morals and no human values, then Man becomes a demon.
Parents are concerned solely about the material welfare of their children and have no concern for their spiritual well-being. It is not wealth that is important.
Character is primary. Parents do not teach their children the importance of cultivating good qualities. They do not try to control their children when they go astray; rather, they condone the lapses of their children and often encourage them in their bad ways.
It is because of such parents that many children today take to wrong courses of action. Parents today are afraid of correcting the mistakes of the children or of chastising them, but they have the right to warn and to correct their children.
To put right everything, all of us should instill moral values in us before one can teach or guide. There is no need to blame on whosoever, all of us have our own spiritual path to take, a journey no one else can replace or walk for us.
Remain good to plant good seeds. Goodness is to remain good even when someone else is not good to you. Convey patience, continue to be patient, be consistent to be patient and only then you can turn the tables...
Joy and grief, heat and cold are both in the plan of our Creator, just take it as it comes...
Joy and grief, heat and cold, are both in the plan of God, and yours is only to know this and to treat both as valuable. God draws the individual towards Himself; it is in the nature of both to have this affinity, for they are the same.
They are like the iron and the magnet, but if the iron is rusty and covered with layers of dirt, the magnet is unable to attract it. Remove the rust, the impediment, that is all that you have to do. Shine forth in your real, natural form and the Lord will draw you into His bosom.
Trial and tribulations are the means by which this cleansing is done. Spiritual endeavour is most essential, in order to control the mind and the desires after which it runs. If you find that you are unable to succeed, do not give up the spiritual endeavour but, rather, do it more vigorously.
Spiritual endeavour means inner cleanliness as well as external cleanliness. You do not feel refreshed if you wear unwashed clothes after your bath, nor do you feel refreshed if you wear washed clothes but skip the bath. Both are needed.
The Spiritual endeavour that you practise must make you a better, happier and a more useful person. It is your primary responsibility to demonstrate your calmness, humility, purity, virtue, courage and conviction under all circumstances. When suffering comes in waves, one after another, be glad that the shore is near. In both joy and grief remind yourself that they will not last long.
They are like the iron and the magnet, but if the iron is rusty and covered with layers of dirt, the magnet is unable to attract it. Remove the rust, the impediment, that is all that you have to do. Shine forth in your real, natural form and the Lord will draw you into His bosom.
Trial and tribulations are the means by which this cleansing is done. Spiritual endeavour is most essential, in order to control the mind and the desires after which it runs. If you find that you are unable to succeed, do not give up the spiritual endeavour but, rather, do it more vigorously.
Spiritual endeavour means inner cleanliness as well as external cleanliness. You do not feel refreshed if you wear unwashed clothes after your bath, nor do you feel refreshed if you wear washed clothes but skip the bath. Both are needed.
The Spiritual endeavour that you practise must make you a better, happier and a more useful person. It is your primary responsibility to demonstrate your calmness, humility, purity, virtue, courage and conviction under all circumstances. When suffering comes in waves, one after another, be glad that the shore is near. In both joy and grief remind yourself that they will not last long.
Fill your hearts with love and then the whole world will be full of love... for all christians-to-be
Fill your hearts with love, and then the whole world will be full of love. Where there is love there is happiness. If you commit a mistake due to ignorance, then resort to prayer. Prayer unites two people, Man and God, into one. Prayer elevates you and helps you to abandon the evil path.
Inculcation of human values (love, peace, righteousness, truth and non-violence) is the true education. The hallmark of a true education is humility. Discipline your life by practicing the human values. Take to the good path. Try and guide those who have gone astray, lovingly, onto the correct path.
First endeavour to improve yourselves in a systematic and humble way as charity begins at home. Light the lamp of knowledge within yourself. By transforming yourselves the effect will spread far and wide.
Remember the minute that has fled is no longer yours; the minute that is approaching cannot be counted as yours; the minute that is with you, this alone is truly yours. Make the best use of it, for it may be your last.
Inculcation of human values (love, peace, righteousness, truth and non-violence) is the true education. The hallmark of a true education is humility. Discipline your life by practicing the human values. Take to the good path. Try and guide those who have gone astray, lovingly, onto the correct path.
First endeavour to improve yourselves in a systematic and humble way as charity begins at home. Light the lamp of knowledge within yourself. By transforming yourselves the effect will spread far and wide.
Remember the minute that has fled is no longer yours; the minute that is approaching cannot be counted as yours; the minute that is with you, this alone is truly yours. Make the best use of it, for it may be your last.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Life is always about learning.. learning is always about habitual progress...and we don't stop to rest...
Here is a very interesting story about learning...
A young Chinese lad goes to a Chinese school for the first time in his life. He was taught to write 'one' in Chinese lettering, that is with only one stroke. 一,and the next day, 二,third day 三!
The fourth day, this young Chinese lad told his mother that he aren't going again. He told his mother that he is smart enough. What the teacher is going to teach, he already knew. His mother had no way to persuade him to go, thus he stayed at home.
After half a month, his mother again persuaded him to go to school. Having nothing to do at home, he obliged and went.
That day, the teacher was giving them a test. That test was to write from one to fifteen, all of them were excited and said they could do it! The little boy was thinking that that it was that easy too!
The little boy was still taking his time to write the numbers. All the rest had finished and given back to the teacher. At last he finished. He was smiling and handed over to the teacher and what a shock the teacher got!
His testpaper was full of strokes, the fourth day, 4 strokes, the fifth day, 5 strokes and the fifteenth day, fifteen strokes! What a silly mistake he did!
He learnt a great lesson that day, all the other boys were laughing at him.
From this story, we all learn to be patient in learning. There is always this gradual progress and improvement. We sometimes laugh at people's mistakes without seeing and sensing our own.
Education is a gradual process, we need to climb those steps, giving oneself time to progress and acquiring the skills we need, acquiring the knowledge we need and putting them into practise. The best is when one can duplicate or teach brillant students or someone better than us!
A young Chinese lad goes to a Chinese school for the first time in his life. He was taught to write 'one' in Chinese lettering, that is with only one stroke. 一,and the next day, 二,third day 三!
The fourth day, this young Chinese lad told his mother that he aren't going again. He told his mother that he is smart enough. What the teacher is going to teach, he already knew. His mother had no way to persuade him to go, thus he stayed at home.
After half a month, his mother again persuaded him to go to school. Having nothing to do at home, he obliged and went.
That day, the teacher was giving them a test. That test was to write from one to fifteen, all of them were excited and said they could do it! The little boy was thinking that that it was that easy too!
The little boy was still taking his time to write the numbers. All the rest had finished and given back to the teacher. At last he finished. He was smiling and handed over to the teacher and what a shock the teacher got!
His testpaper was full of strokes, the fourth day, 4 strokes, the fifth day, 5 strokes and the fifteenth day, fifteen strokes! What a silly mistake he did!
He learnt a great lesson that day, all the other boys were laughing at him.
From this story, we all learn to be patient in learning. There is always this gradual progress and improvement. We sometimes laugh at people's mistakes without seeing and sensing our own.
Education is a gradual process, we need to climb those steps, giving oneself time to progress and acquiring the skills we need, acquiring the knowledge we need and putting them into practise. The best is when one can duplicate or teach brillant students or someone better than us!
Monday, February 2, 2009
A tadpole is a baby frog... but it will grow to be a frog! Note those changes...

We look at a tadpole, knowing for sure that it will grow to be a frog. It is just a natural process. Likewise, in our daily lives, we too undergo a maturing state.
We grow up physically, changes that we feel taken for granted! Like a tadpole changing into a frog! But what about our mind? our emotions? Do we grow too?
Can we adapt to changes of our mind? Can we accept challenges as stepping stones? Can we learn at the same time? Do you know that life is all about changes? Can we master those changes proficiently? If you want to know, well, these are all the growing processes that WILL and MUST take place in all of us...
This is LIFE... As expected of us, so fear not of CHANGES!
A change of mind is for the start, be on the run ground towards getting healthier...

Start picking up pieces of health articles, start from the beginning... all of us have 24 hours but most of the time, we spent them on our hobbies and responsiblities but not feed what our body needs. The very first requisite is to survive healthy! Prevent instead of going for cure!
Don't depend your total health on doctors or specialists! They are there to CURE! They are most helpful in emergencies and when one is sick! We cannot wait to be sick and wait to be cured! I won't choose that hard way, that's for sure... Preventive measures should work hand in hard with doctors!
When there is health, there will be hope, when one has hope, one can have everything!
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